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A widespread festival
of “off” fringe theatre
and performing arts

logo fringe milano 7f83c7b9

semisfera nera FROM 26/09
TO 06/10

logo fringe catania af13c927

semisfera nera FROM 17/10
TO 27/10

Logo Palco OFF no bg cffc2b82

semisfera nera NOVEMBER 2024
TO MAY 2025


What is Fringe Italia Off?

Fringe Italia Off is an artistic and cultural project focused on regional marketing and off-season cultural tourism, organized by the associations “La Memoria del Teatro” and “Milano Off”. They connect the cities of Milan and Catania through two Fringe Festivals, MILANO OFF and CATANIA OFF (held between September and October), and from November to May host an annual theatrical season titled PALCO OFF.


Fringe is a concept that embodies an independent vision of the performing arts, featuring multidisciplinary shows that take place in unconventional spaces. The productions exist outside of traditional institutional circles, allowing for innovative and autonomous artistic choices and performances.

Concept 2024

In 2024, we commemorate the 700th anniversary of MARCO POLO’s passing. His passion for discovering new cultures is celebrated worldwide, and we embrace his iconic representation of Italy’s cultural mission across the globe in the sixth edition of the MILANO OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL and the third edition of the CATANIA OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL.

The common thread of this year’s festival editions—the theme— is “THE JOURNEY”.

Illustrazione veliero scaled 22d33dda
semisfera nera

“I didn’t tell half of what I saw”

semisfera nera


Fringe Italia Off Network

Festivals, Theaters, and Industry Professionals in the “Off” Fringe Performing Arts Network

Become a PARTNER with your organization and dive into the heart of the Fringe as an INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL for an exciting and unforgettable experience.

maschera luna



1 WorldFringe bc0d61c7
2 OffAvignon ba2f2fca
13 PragueFringeFestival 78e560c7
11 Fringe logoThess ccefb209
17 soho playhouse bw 2fc14d6d
5 StockholmFringe af46b08a
7 AzoresFringe e15ad8d6
12 ColchesterFringe c3512939
Piccolo Teatro a70c0604
logo areazelig 47afd967
image001 c33bbc58
sal35904 d53ec183
Lega Internazionale Diritti Uomo 7af4c17c
logo sernicola labs 3e939994
Logo The Optimist scaled a2eb3952